Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Five of Five

Received my swap name for the Bag/Bucket swap yesterday - Looking forward to starting this weekend on my swap partners Bag/ Bucket
Linda has done a swell job .

Last Night also finished the binding on the Finish Five by the End of July Challenge

Really enjoyed making this quilt " Life's full of Circles" and my Quilting Embellish Guru Liz from Loxton (The Quilt Cupboard Machine Quilting Service) Has once again done a fabulous job
Unfortunately the photos do not do her embellishing justice.

View to Left hand corner

View from the middle of ......... Life's Full Of Circles

And of course a full view ~ Unfortunately the colours are not true.
I have really Enjoyed Peg's Challenge, I personally found it gave me back a little bit of my mojo (inspiration) to get some of my projects finished well done and a big thank to Peg as I am sure, that organising any form of a challenge is very time consuming.
Fell over approx 6 weeks ago and landed on my left shoulder
I have no one else to blame ~ as I left it a little long to get it fixed so the last few days I have been seeing a physio - tonight at my appointment an other client came it and left these lovely flowers to be put on the physio's reception area, I have no idea the variety of flowers but they are the most beautiful bold red.
Yes ~ you might ask ~ I do not go anywhere with out my camera
You never know ................. when you may need to capture that moment.


Unknown said...

Marc I am Loving your Quilt, I love Circles & I love your colour choice, might just have to steal the Idea if that's OK with you, would love to do one myself with a few of my own adjustments of course.
happy stitching

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh I really like this one...I would love to do circles but always that little bit scared...thanks so much for all you kind poor old thing look after that shoulder...

Trisha said...

Wow, what a cool quilt!