Monday, May 11, 2009

Nice Mum Day ........

Mothers Day here started with DH making breakfast.....I made some Brownies... knowing that during the day ES and Partner will be calling in during the day.
YS works in the hospitality trade so he was a work most of the day .....but before he went I received a lovely big hug and a few DVD's as I enjoy having a DVD (movie) going in the background while quilting.
Spent a couple of hours in my quilt room being creative with some fabric I purchased several months ago at Jane's before ES and partner arrived where we had brownies and hot chocolate together for afternoon tea.
Received a lovely voucher from them to spent in a local garden/gift store.

Show and tell of the progress ...after ES and Partner left could not get my mo jo back to continue.... so spent the evening working on a stitchery from the Inspired Stitches weekend in Adelaide a couple of weekends ago and watched Masterchef.
Bit late but I hope all Mums had a great day .

Hope to get back to the quilt top now???????

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

I hope you have found some time to work on the quilt top today! It is looking good...great colours! I had a lovely Mother's day - and was pleased to get some more appliqueing done on my Emmy's Braids quilt that has been languishing for way too long...have finished the stitchery on my IS project..and was going to finish it yesterday but decided to work on Emmy's Braids instead...truth be known I couldn't cope with fiddling with ric rac.....! just wasn't in the mood!