Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Christmas in July

After a some what busy day at work and currently suffering for cold and flu symptoms ,
this lovely parcel was sitting in my kitchen ............

and look at that fabulous paper .........all so neatly wrapped and stacked inside

Firstly in the bottom right hand chocolate .............which I might add did not quite make it to the next selection of photographs
enclosed was the most beautifully embossed card
the following gifts are from my Christmas in July Swap Partner
the lovely

First some much appreciate sewing notions

Then this gorgeous stocking

A dazzling table runner with a fab label stitched on the reverse side

A striking and stunning apron

the workman (oops womanship ) are just magnificent and all made in fabric colours I love
a big thank you to Candace.

Last but not less Big thank you and hug to........... .Linda and Stephanie for once again hosting another great swap ............


Anonymous said...

Oh my, what gorgeous gifts, I love the photo of the empty chocolate wrapper.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wow...Marc what lovely gifts....hope your are feeling better...

Chookyblue...... said...

what beautiful goodies you received in the swap........

Carrie P. said...

Candace outdid herself. I remember when she had a sneak peek of the apron on her blog. Great stuff.

Abby and Stephanie said...

WOW...you hit the lotto! Candace is so very sweet and generous and the gifts are just gorgeous.

It has been a fantastic swap.

May Kristin said...

Wow! Such lovely things you got!

Cathy said...

Gorgeous gifts!! Lucky you!! Have a great week, Cathyx